New to mycology?

Here are some basic directions and tips on how to inoculate, expand, fruit and trigger fruiting!

Getting started: Ensure the working environment is sterile. We recommend the use of clean nitrile gloves and disposable masks for additional precautions. To seal fruiting bags, we recommend using a heat sealer to maintain sterile growing conditions within the bag. Home growers may use zap straps to seal the top of the bag, but it is not the most effective method.

Ideal environment: Adequate humidity (65%-75%), temperature controlled (74°F/23°C) and air exchange.


How to: Inoculating Sterilized Grain

  1. Sterilize: Sterilize your area, tools, injection port, grain bag and liquid culture or agar plate. Be sure to sanitize with 70% Alcohol.

  2. Inoculate:
    -with liquid culture: In a sterile environment, inject 5ml-10ml of liquid culture into a grain bag. Higher dosage will increase the speed of colonization.

    -with agar:
    In a sterile environment, using clean tools, slice half of a fully colonized agar plate into pieces. We suggest smaller pieces to increase inoculation points.

  3. Shake: Seal the inoculated grain bag, ensuring an airtight seal. Lightly shake and evenly combine culture/agar with grain. We suggest introducing air into the bag to allow space for shaking and even distribution.

  4. Incubate: In an ideal growing environment, store your expanded bags. Monitor mycelial colonization for 10-15 days.


How to: Expand Grain Spawn

  1. Sterilize: Sterilize your area, tools, grain bag and colonized grain spawn. Be sure to sanitize with 70% Alcohol.

  2. Inoculate: While sealed, gently break up the colonized grain spawn bag. Applying light pressure to the block and any large clumps, to minimize risk of damage to mycelium growth. In a sterile environment, using clean tools, cut the top corner of the colonized grain spawn bag. Pour the broken up grain spawn into a sterilized grain bag. We suggest a 5:1 ratio of grain to grain spawn.

  3. Shake: Seal the inoculated grain bag, ensuring an airtight seal. Lightly shake and evenly combine culture/agar with grain. We suggest introducing air into the bag to allow space for shaking and even distribution.

  4. Incubate: In an ideal growing environment, store your expanded bags. Monitor mycelial colonization for 10-15 days.


How to: Create a Fruiting Bag

  1. Sterilize: Sterilize your area, tools, substrate bag and colonized grain spawn. Be sure to sanitize with 70% Alcohol.

  2. Inoculate: While sealed, gently break up the colonized grain spawn bag by applying light pressure to the block and any large clumps. Ensuring not to damage any mycelium growth. In a sterile environment, using clean tools, cut the top corner of the colonized grain spawn bag. Pour the broken up grain spawn into a sterilized substrate bag. We suggest a 5:1 ratio of substrate to grain spawn.

  3. Shake: Seal the inoculated substrate bag, ensuring an airtight seal. Lightly break up substrate once the bag is sealed, shake and evenly combine grain spawn with substrate. We suggest introducing air into the bag to allow space for shaking and even distribution.

  4. Incubate: In an ideal growing environment, store your fruiting bag. Monitor mycelial colonization for 10-15 days.

How to: Trigger a Fruiting Bag

  1. Sterilize: Sterilize your area, tools and fruiting bag. Be sure to sanitize with 70% Alcohol.

  2. Inoculate: While sealed, gently break up the colonized grain spawn bag by applying light pressure to the block and any large clumps. Ensuring not to damage any mycelium growth. In a sterile environment, using clean tools, cut the top corner of the colonized grain spawn bag. Pour the broken up grain spawn into a sterilized substrate bag. We suggest a 5:1 ratio of substrate to grain spawn.

  3. Shake: Seal the inoculated substrate bag, ensuring an airtight seal. Lightly break up substrate once the bag is sealed, shake and evenly combine grain spawn with substrate. We suggest introducing air into the bag to allow space for shaking and even distribution.

  4. Incubate: In an ideal growing environment, store your fruiting bag. Monitor mycelial colonization for 10-15 days.
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